Friday, August 13, 2010

The 'VX L67' Blog


I've decided to write this blog to help any others out there with commodore's that have the supercharged V6 engine. It will purely contain help with modyfing anything on the car, but mainly installation tutorials. There is a lot of information at or and similar forums, but a lot of it is for the ecotec engine. And while most things a very similar, some things are not.
I figure that if I'm going to do something to my car, I might as well document it for other people to learn from. The main motivation for this was when I was deciding to purchase high ratio roller rocker's or not. It seemed a bit daunting to install them myself, as I could not find any specific information for the installation of them on the L67. If I had found a tutorial or how-to for it earlier, I would of purchased them earlier, knowing how easy it was.
Anyway, I'll get things moving and have a couple of 'How-to's' up in the next few days.
Thanks for reading!

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